Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Good Weekend

Last few of my weekends have been spent having to attend environmental science classes all through the day. They have come up with a scheme where we are made to complete these compulsory foundation courses by attending them on weekends. This weekend we didn't have any for class for some reason.

I therefore ended up going to BU yesterday and spent some time with friends, playing tt, some problem solving etc. It was a nice break from the usual weekends. I had planned to go to brainstars around 5 in the evening, and then get home at 7 to watch a nice football match. Harshini and Shruthi climbed the bus to go home and then I got on my bike and on my way out I bumped into Karthik. And then all my plans later that evening went down the drain. But it was worth it I must say.

We went to the canteen back in BU and had a good conversation. We spoke about many things ranging from the "scientific outlook" to the nature of mathematics and then inevitably discussed physics. It was nice talking to him about some of the subtle things in physics. We spoke about things like inertia and many other things that we simply take for granted.
The funniest part was when we would talk about seemingly different things and then realize that we were arguing about the same thing. We agreed on quite a lot of things and the best part was when I heard him say that he is " not the only Bakra" after all.
Hope to have more of such reality checks every once in a while.

And now its a nice sunday morning and I made a random choice to read something just until I'm done drinking coffee.

" The tremendous transformation of the scientific view of Nature could only be compared with the change of outlook brought about by Copernicus. It originated, like all really important intellectual revolutions, in places where to all appearance deep tranquillity reigned. The most far-reaching revolution of the twentieth century was born in idyllic circumstances. It came from a picturesque park in Copenhagen, from a quite street in Berne, from the seashore of the island of Heligoland, from the meadows and tree-shaded river at Cambridge, from the Hofgarten in Munich, from the quiet neighbourhood of the Pantheon in Paris, from the peaceful Zurichberg and from the ancient fortifications, along which tall trees now rustle, of the town of Gottingen"
-Brighter than a thousand Suns.

Looking forward to GR's class today, hope its a good one.
Have a nice day!


  1. You have implicitly become a part of BU. You're always welcome there.

  2. GR's class was really good. He gave amazing clarity into many things. And pauli matrices! Awesome! And the rest of the day was good.
